Thursday, November 01, 2007

Day 12 - All Saint's Day, the start of festivities

weird dreams, D&E up early and talking, damn Quasimodo
somehow, clinging to my ankle constitutes sleeping
Strong coffee, french toast, eggs
out early for bus to Naolinco
met very tall redhead from Maryland
roller coaster
more great view, saw some birds of prey relatively close in
into town, search for cemetery
coco ice cream at cemetery gates
brightly painted monuments, some small rooms w/ electricity, very solemn feel, few pictures
walk around town, lunch of chicken enmoladas
went to Casa de Cultura, got photos of DDM calaca decorations
walked around, saw more decorations
starting to run out of steam, took bus back to Xalapa - more roller coaster
some rest time, some roof time
some incense is harder to burn than you'd think
pic review - those birds of prey were black vultures
I think I'll stay out of the living room for a while - more roof time
tamales, dead bread, fruit
as lots of places will be closed tomorrow, D picked up pizza for next couple of days
The news starts telling us about the flooding in Tabasco
bed soon
No, let me go back to sleep. Your insomnia, I does not wants it.



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