Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day 5 - Serendipity Strikes

¿Why in God's Name is a marching band up before 7?
I'll have my coffee REALLY strong
songs about fruit and chickens
french toast, clean up
trip to the local fruit market, got some snot fruit
dropped off produce, walked up to (different) bus station for trip to Naolinco, brought camera
vain search for paletes (local popsicles)
this is a really cool roller coaster
can't swing a dead cat without hitting a shoe store
small hike, amazing panoramic view, conversational locals - told of local parade
longoneza w/ dublados and salsa, horchata
hit leather shops, local DDM shop closed for siesta
waiting for Godot's parade ... ¿or not?
following the fireworks
I haz parade now, thnks.
Raul loves talking to gringos - muchos 'no entiendes'
Raul makes a connection - points out Lino Mora Rivera, legendary mask maker that D & E have been seeking for months
We get to see the workshop, buy from the artist
walk back to square, ¡DDM shop is open!
roller coaster, part 2
we find our paletes - this is getting weird
time for rest, tamales, & blog
pic review, and serendipity of weather becomes clear
bed calling



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